We share the presentations made at the congress
34th AIAG Congress – From October 1 to 4, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland –
“Climate change, remote sensing and big data – new challenges for agricultural insurance” –
More information here
Date: 28, 29 y 30 de November
Headquarters: Hotel Sheraton Grand Panamá – Panamá
Registration fee: USD 300
Important information: ISA kindly offers to participants of the Livestock Insurance Seminar that arrive on Tuesday 28-11, the transfer Airport-Hotel Headquarters for free. To do this, they must contact the following email addresses, indicating personal information, flight information and contact telephone number: mbatista@isa.gob.pa; evidal@isa.gob.pa . Those who do not previously notify ISA by said means will not be able to access this benefit.
ALASA will hold its XV Congress in the City of Lima, where an assistance of 350 people is expected, among which are the main insurance companies of
Latin America and reinsurers of the world, as well as the representatives of the public bodies of the countries of the region and the various actors of the value chain.
This Congress consists of keynote exhibitions and workshops with pre-defined topics. Among the exhibitors we have outstanding experts at public and private level, who
We share the note published by the magazine Mercado Segurador, in the July 2018 edition.
Alasa Congress – Insurance Market July 2018
We invite you to read the main points that were presented at the XV International Congress ALASA.
On Thursday, November 15, the Exclusive Day for ALASA Members took place in the Flores room of the Presidente Intercontinental Hotel, in Mexico City.
The theme chosen was BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. We have three expert exhibitors in the field.
Mr. Agustín Aramburu, of the Kayum company; Mr. Baltazar Rodríguez of IBM; and Mr. Joseph Saab of IBM.
We have the assistance of more than thirty partners, both local and international companies.
Alasa IBM
Author: Ing. Agr. Santiago Cabral
Grupo Asegurador La Segunda-Febrero 2019
It has been a few years since the Argentine insurance system intends to overcome the barrier of extensive granary crops and does not achieve it, or only does so in moderate experiences.
However, during the 2016-2018 campaigns a completely new pilot test was carried out, which emphasized, not only in a different production system, but fundamentally, on a segment of the farmers that had not yet been accessed.
The “Project of
At the International Rural Insurance Seminar, successful experiences of the rural insurance market will be presented in several countries and discussed what Brazil can learn from international experience to improve insurance products and development support programs for that market. In addition, the challenges of rural insurance in Brazil will also be debated, within the framework of an integrated risk management policy.
The main objective of the event is to expand knowledge about the management of risks in agriculture among all the
Investment Fund InsuResilience acquires stake in Agritask
Zurich, May 24, 2019 – The InsuResilience Investment Fund Investment Fund, initiated by the KfW Development Bank on behalf of the German government and managed by the Switzerland-based BlueOrchard Finance impact investment manager, will invest $ 6 million in the framework of the largest round of financing launched by Agritask, based in Tel Aviv, to date. Agritask is a leading AgTech company, which offers information-based decision-making tools for comprehensive agronomic business management throughout the